The Power of Sitting with Yourself

A Journey of Consciousness and Creation

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's often challenging to take a moment to truly sit with yourself. By "sitting with yourself," I mean dedicating 5 to 10 minutes to be still and process your feelings while observing your thoughts. This practice, often associated with meditation, goes beyond silence; it's about becoming the witness to your inner world.

In meditation, the essence is not to eliminate thoughts or feelings but to observe them. We often identify ourselves with our thoughts and emotions, thinking that they define who we are. However, the truth lies in understanding that you are the witness, the observer of these thoughts and emotions.

When you take the time to sit with yourself, whether in the quiet of your room or the serenity of nature, you can witness everything around you. As you observe your surroundings, you also experience the act of witnessing. This is where your true self resides – in the role of the observer, your consciousness.

Now, let's delve deeper into this concept. Think about God, the source, universal intelligence – all those omnipotent and omnipresent aspects of existence. They are not external to you; they are within you. The universe itself is in a constant state of expansion, seeking to experience. You are the universe's way of experiencing life as you. Therefore, you are God, experiencing life through your unique perspective.

Our experiences in life are influenced by our thoughts, upbringing, emotions, and more. However, these experiences are not the core of who you are; they are the results of your consciousness in action. Your consciousness is God within you, having the experience of you. The ego plays a significant role in this process, as it creates your identity and grounds you in this reality.

However, it's crucial to maintain a balance and be mindful of the ego's influence. When left unmanaged, the ego can lead to suffering, pain, and imbalances in life. Recognizing the nature of consciousness and the ego allows you to find harmony, peace, love, and fulfillment.

We are here in this life to master the art of creation, a gift from God. We are creators made in the image of the Creator. Your consciousness, as an exquisite and pure fragment of God, is responsible for everything you experience. Life is subjective, and everything you go through is a creation of your consciousness, viewed from your unique perspective.

As you journey through life, remember that you have the power to create and shape your reality. Your consciousness is the spark of divinity within you, experiencing life as you. By understanding the connection between consciousness and God, you can awaken to your role as a master of manifestation and creation. It's not about remastering; it's about reconnecting, realizing, and living the life you desire through the art form of manifestation.

Continue to join me on this journey!

Peace and Abundance Always, Peter Abundant, Ph.D

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