Spirituality: Journey to Self-Realization

It's commonly believed that spirituality is a trait exclusive to certain individuals, while others are devoid of it. This binary view segregates people into 'spiritual' and 'non-spiritual' categories based on their self-identification. However, this perspective is limited and overlooks the universal nature of the spiritual journey.

You are on a spiritual journey, whether you consciously identify with it or not. This journey is not just about adopting a spiritual label; it's an intrinsic part of being human. Before our existence in this realm, we were complete, whole, and pure. Choosing to enter this life is, in essence, a decision to embark on a journey of self-refinement and rediscovery. This process of rediscovery is what defines the spiritual journey.

Some of you are acutely aware of this journey and actively engage with it, while others may not yet have reached this level of awareness. Those who haven't realized their purpose here are still part of the journey; they are simply at a different stage of consciousness.

Manifestation plays a pivotal role in this journey. Often, manifestation is perceived as a means to acquire material desires – cars, houses, wealth, or a particular lifestyle. While these are valid aspirations, they are not the end goal of true happiness and fulfillment. These external achievements are milestones in the larger journey of self-discovery. Manifestation is not just about obtaining material things; it's about realizing your potential and nature as a creator.

As you progress on your spiritual path, you'll come to understand that manifestation is a tool for self-realization. It's a process that reveals your true identity. You are not just a passive participant in life; you are its creator. This realization is crucial in understanding your role in the universe.

Many people view themselves as co-creators or co-pilots of their lives. However, this perspective diminishes the true extent of your power and role. You are the sole creator of your experiences. The universe's infinite power is not separate from you; it is a part of you. Recognizing this oneness is essential in managing your ego, which often seeks to create a sense of separation.

Your ego has its purpose in the game of life, but your higher consciousness aims to bring awareness to your experiences. It's about understanding that you are an expression of God in this form, at this moment. You are responsible for all that you create, have created, and will create.

Letting go of anxiety, doubt, and the fear of failure is crucial in this journey. You cannot fail because you are already a winner in the grand scheme of existence. Every experience is an opportunity to understand and embrace your true nature and capabilities.

Being human is not a limitation; it's a testament to your power. Your human experience – talking, eating, sleeping, creating – is evidence of your divine nature. Recognizing this turns every moment into an opportunity for gratitude, confidence, and joy.

In summary, your spiritual journey is about realizing your true nature as the creator of your universe. It's about understanding the balance between consciousness and ego, and embracing the human experience as a powerful expression of your divine nature. Let go of doubts and fears, and step into a state of gratitude and completeness, as you navigate the beautiful journey of life on Earth.

Continue to join me on this journey!

Peace and Abundance Always, Peter Abundant, Ph.D

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