The Power of the God Conscious Mind

Inspired by Rev Ike

In the realm of metaphysical understanding, there lies a profound truth about the nature of consciousness and its connection to our sense of divinity. One of the most illuminating scriptures speaks of God's words to Moses, where God declares, "I have made you God to Pharaoh." This statement encapsulates the essence of the God conscious mind—a mindset that transcends material limitations and embraces the divine within.

The journey to realizing this truth may seem weighty at first, but it is a transformative revelation. In Exodus 7:1, God's declaration to Moses is clear: "I have made you God to Pharaoh." This isn't about claiming superiority or arrogance; it's about understanding our inherent divinity and authority over our circumstances. It's about recognizing that we are not slaves to external forces but masters of our own destiny.

The core challenge humanity faces is often a lack of self-awareness. We live in a world where many are unaware of their true nature. Moses, upon realizing his divinity, rose up against the oppressive forces of Egypt and led his people to freedom. Similarly, embracing our divinity empowers us to confront and overcome life's challenges.

Manifestation, a key concept in this understanding, is not about wishful thinking but about aligning with our natural state of being. When God says, "I have made you God to Pharaoh," it's a reminder that we have the power to transcend limitations, including financial struggles, health issues, and societal pressures.

One powerful lesson is withdrawing permission from anything that limits us. Just as a man in the bible broke free from a perceived curse by reclaiming his God-given authority, we too can break free from self-imposed limitations. No one can hold power over us without our consent.

Our bodies, hearts, and minds are all under our God-given authority. Speaking the truth, "I am God to my problems," shifts our perspective from victimhood to empowerment. We are not victims of circumstances; we are creators of our reality.

The economy, societal norms, and external pressures may seem daunting, but they hold no power over us when we realize our divine nature. We are not at the mercy of external forces; we are co-creators with the universe.

Being about the Father's business doesn't mean waiting passively; it means actively aligning our thoughts, actions, and beliefs with our divine essence. As we meditate on the law of the Lord—on our inherent divinity—we become like trees planted by rivers, bearing fruit in due season.

In embracing the God conscious mind, we step into a realm of automatic success and prosperity. It's not about chasing after success but about embodying it from within. As we align with our true nature, success and prosperity flow effortlessly.

The journey to the God conscious mind is a profound awakening—a realization that we are not mere mortals but divine beings experiencing life's tapestry with grace, authority, and purpose.

Continue to join me on this journey!

Peace and Abundance Always, Peter Abundant, Ph.D